


We thrive on staying ahead of the curve in technology and healthcare trends, ensuring that our solutions are always cutting-edge.


Our end-to-end approach streamlines your processes, saving you time and resources.


Count on us for accurate results and a commitment to quality in everything we do.


We view our clients as partners in the quest for better healthcare. Your success is our success.


Our hallmark lies in our ability to offer an end-to-end solution for your testing needs. We understand that efficiency, accuracy, and reliability are paramount in the healthcare industry. That's why we take care of everything, from providing collection kits to seamlessly integrating sample data with the test subject's information. Our in-house analysis and result transmission ensure a swift and error-free process.
Our commitment to continuous improvement means we stay at the forefront of technology, utilizing state-of-the-art devices and software to refine and enhance our processes. Over the years, we've collaborated with numerous partners in the healthcare field, helping them boost their testing capacities and streamline their operations. If you're seeking a partner who can optimize your lab processes, look no further.


In the world of healthcare, having access to top-quality lab devices and consumables is essential. Our extensive network of sub-suppliers and partners across the European Union and Turkey allows us to provide you with comprehensive solutions. Whether you need state-of-the-art lab equipment or hospital consumables, we've got you covered. We go the extra mile by verifying the quality and ensuring compliance with regulations, offering you peace of mind.
At Lonaris, we're more than just a healthcare solutions provider; we're your dedicated partner in achieving excellence in testing. Contact us today to learn how we can elevate your laboratory operations and help you meet the challenges of the ever-evolving health sector.